The ACN Opportunity
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ACN is one the most phenomenal business opportunities around! We help people to position themselves to get paid on services within the Telecommunications and Utilities industries. We are perfectly positioned to market quality low cost services to consumers who use these services everyday! By doing this, we enable each and everyone of our business partners to earn a RESIDUAL INCOME. That is simply when you do work ONCE, and get paid over and over again for that same work. Not only that, but we have just recently launched INTERNATIONALLY. We are in Europe and Canada. If this opportunity at all sounds the least bit interesting to you, then you need to learn more about how you can position YOURSELF to take full advantage of it. To learn more about this awesome opportunity, send an email (containing your name, email address, and/or you home address and phone number) to the address at the bottom of the page. We will be sure to help you to learn how you can position YOURSELF in the MIDDLE of it all.
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ACN is perfectly positioned within the Telecommunications industry! The Telecommunications industry is currently one of the fastest growing industries in the WORLD!!! We are partnered with companies as such as QWEST Communications, PAGENET, and PSINET. We are able to save consumers 10% - 30% on services (long distance, calling cards, internet, paging) that they are already currently using.
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Not only are we a dominating force in the Telecommunications arena, but just recently we've launched into the Utilites industry! ACN ENERGY! This means that everytime someone turns on a light switch, turns on the heat, or just (by chance) leaves the refrigerator running, YOU GET PAID!!!
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